Let our Job Shadow Club Connect you to your Career! Shadow Club

Are you feeling lost or unsure about your future? Let us help you find your way and discover the path that leads to a successful and fulfilling career. High School and College students interested in getting on the job experience and professional skills, get notified about the Job Shadow Club!

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Young men and women in lab coats

The Job Shadow Club (JSC) is an innovative initiative designed to help students and job seekers explore various career paths through real-world experiences. Members of the JSC will be given exclusive access to visit local and global employers at companies of their choice, enabling them to connect directly with industry professionals and gain invaluable insights into daily work life and career opportunities.With DEI, you’ll have exclusive access to job shadowing, internships, and career exploration opportunities with local and national employers. Discover new career paths, gain real-world experience, and connect with mentors who can help guide your journey.

JSC is more than just a platform; it's a community builder providing vital exposure for students who might not otherwise have access to such opportunities, fostering a diverse and inclusive future workforce. By joining, members can visit employers, learn valuable employability skills, network with professionals, and gain crucial pre-internship experience.

Joining the Job Shadow Club means you're not just planning for a job; you're stepping into the future of career exploration and development. Be part of an effort that bridges the gap between the classroom and the workplace, enhances your talent pipeline, and shapes a more inclusive industry landscape. The future is here, and it begins with your commitment to exploring the possibilities that the Job Shadow Club offers.

The Job Shadow Club is launching in Fall 2024! Although you can’t become a member now, you can sign up for early access.

Click below to learn more:

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