La Plaza's Tu Futuro program is a college and career prep program. It provides crucial support to 9th-12th grade Latino students, ensuring that they complete high school and pursue college. This free program is only offered at Lawrence North and Lawrence Central High Schools.

Exp: 05132017

Tu Futuro’s four-year pipeline helps students and their families overcome language and economic barriers, achieve academic success and prepare for college and future employment. The program meets once a week afterschool for 2 hours from 4-6 pm. Students participate in monthly meetings and outside field trips.

Program begins on 8/14/2023 - 5/31/2024

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La Plaza

La Plaza strengthens Central Indiana by advocating and preparing Latino students for educational success and by connecting Latino families to health and social services. Through our comprehensive line of educational programs, social services, and workforce development efforts, La Plaza addresses the high school drop-out rate and academic success of Latino youth and prepares families to succeed in the workforce and the community.

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